USGS mineral resources program-- supporting stewardship of America's natural resources [electronic resource] / by S.J. Kropschot, with a section on Evolution of Mineral Resource Assessments, by Kathleen M. Johnson.
Reston, Va. : U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 2006.
Mode of access: Internet from the USGS web site. Address as of 02/14/08:; current access available via PURL.
Title from title screen (viewed on Feb. 14, 2008).
The USGS Mineral Resources Program continues a tradition of Federal leadership in the science of mineral resources that extends back before the beginning of the bureau. The need for information on metallic mineral resources helped lead to the creation of the USGS in 1879. In response to the need to assess large areas of Federal lands in the 20th century, Program scientists developed, tested, and refined tools to support managers making land-use decisions on Federal lands. The refinement of the tools and techniques that have established the USGS as a leader in the world in our ability to conduct mineral resource assessments extends into the 21st century.