Language Arts And Disciplines Publishing
Cornell University Press, est. 1869 : our first 150 years / Karen M. Laun.
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Lost books : reconstructing the print world of pre-industrial Europe / edited by Flavia Bruni, Andrew
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Planned obsolescence : publishing, technology, and the future of the academy / Kathleen Fitzpatrick.
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The riddle of literary quality : a computational approach / Karina van Dalen-Oskam ; [translated and
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The social life of books : reading together in the eighteenth-century home / Abigail Williams.
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Language Arts And Disciplines Readers
Identity and language learning : extending the conversation / Bonny Norton.
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Sites of translation : what multilinguals can teach us about digital writing and rhetoric / Laura Gon
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Translating early modern science / edited by Sietske Fransen, Niall Hodson, Karl A.E. Enenkel.
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Language Arts And Disciplines Reading Skills : Snow, Catherine E.
Reading for understanding : toward an R & D program in reading comprehension / Catherine Snow.
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Language Arts And Disciplines Reference
Innamincka talk : a grammar of the Innamincka dialect of Yandruwandha with notes on other dialects /
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Innamincka words : Yandruwandha dictionary and stories / compiled by Gavan Breen.
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The reader over your shoulder : a handbook for writers of English prose / Robert Graves, Alan Hodge ;
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Wordplay and Metalinguistic / Metadiscursive Reflection : Authors, Contexts, Techniques, and Meta-Ref
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Wordplay and metalinguistic/metadiscursive reflection : authors, contexts, techniques, and meta-refle
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Language Arts And Disciplines Rhetoric
The activist WPA : changing stories about writing and writers / Linda Adler-Kassner.
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Between talk and teaching : reconsidering the writing conference / Laurel Johnson Black.
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The center will hold : critical perspectives on writing center scholarship / edited by Michael A. Pem
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Coming to terms : theorizing writing assessment in composition studies / Patricia Lynne.
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56 additional entries
Language Arts And Disciplines Sign Language
Formational units in sign languages / edited by Rachel Channon, Harry van der Hulst.
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On Relativization and Clefting : an Analysis of Italian Sign Language / by Chiara Branchini.
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Sign language research, uses and practices / by Laurence Meurant, Aurelie Sinte, Mieke Van Herreweghe
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Sign Languages in Village Communities : Anthropological and Linguistic Insights.
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The use of signing space in a shared sign language of Australia / by Anastasia Bauer.
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Language Arts And Disciplines Speech : Shane, Howard C.,
Enhancing communication for individuals with autism : a guide to the visual immersion system / by How
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Language Arts And Disciplines Spelling
Identity and language learning : extending the conversation / Bonny Norton.
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Sites of translation : what multilinguals can teach us about digital writing and rhetoric / Laura Gon
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Translating early modern science / edited by Sietske Fransen, Niall Hodson, Karl A.E. Enenkel.
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Language Arts And Disciplines Study And Teaching : Norton, Bonny,
Identity and language learning : extending the conversation / Bonny Norton.
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Language Arts And Disciplines Translating And Interpreting
Alles verandert altijd : perspectieven op literair vertalen / onder redactie van Lieven D'hulst & Chr
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The bankruptcy : a novel / by Júlia Lopes de Almeida ; edited by Ana Cláudia Suriani da Silva ; trans
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Captioning and subtitling for d/Deaf and hard of hearing audiences / Soledad Zárate.
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Charting the future of translation history / edited by Georges L. Bastin and Paul F. Bandia.
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9 additional entries
Language Arts And Disciplines Writing Authorship : Bond, Elizabeth Andrews,
The writing public : participatory knowledge production in enlightenment and revolutionary France / E
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Language Arts And Disciplines Writing Composition
Beyond the makerspace : making and relational rhetorics / Ann Shivers-McNair.
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Black or right : anti/racist campus rhetorics / Louis M. Maraj.
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Language Arts And Disciplines Writing Fiction Writing : Dalen-Oskam, Karina van,
The riddle of literary quality : a computational approach / Karina van Dalen-Oskam ; [translated and
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Language Arts And Disciplines Writing Nonfiction Incl Memoirs : Marzluf, Philip
Travel Writing in Mongolia and Northern China, 1860-2020 10.5117/9789463726269 Philip Marzluf.
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Language Arts Correlation With Content Subjects
Making content comprehensible for multilingual learners : the SIOP model / Jana Echevarría, MaryEllen
PHS Non-Fiction:Available
Optimizing elementary education for English language learners / [edited by] Nilufer Guler.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Language Arts Early Childhood
Literacy development in early childhood : reflective teaching for birth to age eight / Beverly Otto.
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Sprachendidaktik in der Frühpädagogik [electronic resource] : Eine Analyse Alltagsintegrierter Sprach
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Language Arts Education Teaching Methods And Materials : Chrostowska, S. D.
Matches: A Light Book / S.D. Chrostowska.
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Language Arts Elementary : Brock, Cynthia H.
Engaging students in disciplinary literacy, K-6 : reading, writing, and teaching tools for the classr
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Language Arts Kindergarten : Goodson, Barbara Dillon,
The effectiveness of a program to accelerate vocabulary development in kindergarten (VOCAB) : kinderg
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Language Arts Preschool : Ashton-Warner, Sylvia.
Teacher / by Sylvia Ashton-Warner.
Axe Special Collections Eucalyptus:Lib Use Only
Language Arts Primary : Aboff, Marcie.
If you were a suffix / by Marcie Aboff ; illustrated by Sara Gray.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:DUE 10-16-23 Billed
Language Arts Secondary
Going public : what writing programs learn from engagement / edited by Shirley K. Rose, Irwin Weiser.
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Language Autistic People
Autism and the myth of the person alone / [edited] by Douglas Biklen, with Richard Attfield [and othe
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Language Children
The effectiveness of a program to accelerate vocabulary development in kindergarten (VOCAB) : kinderg
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Estudios sobre habla infantil en los años escolares : un solecito calientote / Rebeca Barriga Villanu
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El habla infantil en cuatro dimensiones / edición de Rebeca Barriga Villanueva
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Konstruktion von Sprache und Sprachwissen : Eine empirische Studie zur Schriftsprachaneignung sprachs
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3 additional entries
Language Cowboys : Adams, Ramon F.
Western words : a dictionary of the American West / by Ramon F. Adams.
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Language Deaf People : Zeshan, Ulrike.
Sign Languages in Village Communities : Anthropological and Linguistic Insights.
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Language Delegated Legislation : United States.
Providing Accountability through Transparency Act of 2015 [electronic resource] : report together wit
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ElectronicResource GovDoc
Language Disorders
Acquired language disorders : a case-based approach / Evelyn R. Klein, James M. Mancinelli.
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Aphasia and other acquired neurogenic language disorders : a guide for clinical excellence / Brooke H
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The disarticulate : language, disability, and the narratives of modernity / James Berger.
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HERE'S HOW TO DO THERAPY [electronic resource] : hands on core skills in speech-language pathology.
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6 additional entries
Language Disorders Diagnosis : Shipley, Kenneth G.,
Assessment in speech-language pathology : a resource manual / Kenneth G. Shipley, Julie G. McAfee.
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Language Disorders In Children
Grammar and syntax : developing school-age children's oral and written language skills / Monica Gordo
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Language disorders in bilingual children and adults / Kathryn Kohnert, Kerry Danahy Ebert, Giang Thuy
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Language Disorders Research Methodology : Irwin, David
Clinical research methods in speech-language pathology and audiology / David L. Irwin, Norman J. Lass
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Language Disorders Treatment
Aphasia and other acquired neurogenic language disorders : a guide for clinical excellence / Brooke H
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Cognitive and communication interventions : neuroscience applications for speech-language pathologist
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Cognitive rehabilitation therapy for traumatic brain injury : a guide for speech-language pathologist
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Telepractice : a clinical guide for speech-language pathologists / Melissa Jakubowitz, Lesley Edwards
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Language Experience Approach In Education : Seidenberg, Mark S.,
Language at the speed of sight : how we read, why so many can't, and what can be done about it / Mark
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Language Feminism
Inviting understanding : a portrait of invitational rhetoric / edited by Sonja K. Foss and Cindy Grif
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
Women and rhetoric between the wars / edited by Ann George, M. Elizabeth Weiser, and Janet Zepernick.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Language Foreign Workers : Fennell, Barbara A.,
Language, literature, and the negotiation of identity : foreign worker German in the Federal Republic
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Language History And General Works
Dies Irae / Jean-Luc Nancy ; edited by Angela Condello, Carlo Grassi and Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihal
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Farewell to freedom : a western genealogy of liberty / Riccardo Baldissone.
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Rote-Meto comparative dictionary / Owen Edwards.
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The teaching and learning of Arabic in early modern Europe / edited by Jan Loop, Alastair Hamilton, C
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Language In The Workplace : Duncan, Kevin,
The dictionary of business bullshit : the world's most comprehensive collection / Kevin Duncan.
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Language Law
21st Century President Act : report (to accompany H.R. 677) (including cost estimate of the Congressi
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
A Global History of Ideas in the Language of Law / Gunnar Folke Schuppert.
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Gesetzesverständlichkeit aus rechtslinguistischer Perspektive. [electronic resource] : Evaluation der
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Law and language in the Middle Ages / edited by Jenny Benham, Matthew McHaffie and Helle Vogt.
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2 additional entries
Language Learning Audio Visual And Multimedia : Giacon, John,
Wiidhaa : an introduction to Gamilaraay / John Giacon.
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Language Learning Specific Skills
Language is the key : a Canadian Language Benchmarks model / edited by Monika Jezak.
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Language Linguistics
Skin, kin and clan : the dynamics of social categories in Indigenous Australia / edited by Patrick Mc
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Something's gotta change [electronic resource] : redefining collaborative linguistic research / Lesle
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Language Linguistics Grammar And Syntax
Innamincka talk : a grammar of the Innamincka dialect of Yandruwandha with notes on other dialects /
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Worrorra, a language of the north-west Kimberley coast / Mark Clendon, Discipline of Linguistics Scho
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Language Linguistics Language Elicitation Translated : Clendon, Mark,
Worrorra, a language of the north-west Kimberley coast / Mark Clendon, Discipline of Linguistics Scho
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Language Linguistics Phonology And Phonetics
Innamincka talk : a grammar of the Innamincka dialect of Yandruwandha with notes on other dialects /
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Worrorra, a language of the north-west Kimberley coast / Mark Clendon, Discipline of Linguistics Scho
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Language Maintenance : Anderson, Clinton Lee,
Review of non-resident language training for linguists in the U.S. Army / Clinton L. Anderson.
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Language Medicine : Segal, Judy.
Health and the rhetoric of medicine / Judy Z. Segal.
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Language Mentally Ill : Hunt, Daniel
Corpus, discourse and mental health / Daniel Hunt and Gavin Brookes.
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Language Mexican Americans : Galván, Roberto A.
El diccionario del español chicano = The dictionary of Chicano Spanish / compiled by Roberto A. Galvá
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Language Philosophy
Methods in contemporary linguistics / edited by Andrea Ender, Adrian Leemann, Bernhard Wälchli.
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The middle included : logos in Aristotle / Ömer Aygün.
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The origins of self : an anthropological perspective / Martin P.J. Edwardes.
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Language Planning
Can language be planned? Sociolinguistic theory and practice for developing nations. Edited by Joan R
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National language planning & language shifts in Malaysian minority communities : speaking in many ton
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