Musique Et Litterature Histoire 20e Siecle : Lachman, Kathryn,
Borrowed forms : the music and ethics of transnational fiction / Kathryn Lachman.
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Musique Et Mondialisation : Fosler-Lussier, Danielle,
Music on the move / Danielle Fosler-Lussier.
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Musique Et Philosophie
Kierkegaard, literature, and the arts / edited by Eric Ziolkowski.
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Musique Et Politique Identitaire Etats Unis : Royster, Francesca T.,
Sounding like a no-no : queer sounds and eccentric acts in the post-soul era / Francesca T. Royster.
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Musique Et Race Allemagne : Wipplinger, Jonathan O.,
The jazz republic : music, race, and American culture in Weimar Germany / Jonathan O. Wipplinger.
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Musique Et Race Etats Unis : Eidsheim, Nina Sun,
The race of sound : listening, timbre, and vocality in African American music / Nina Sun Eidsheim.
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Musique Et Race Etats Unis Histoire 20e Siecle : Coddington, Amy,
How hip hop became hit pop : radio, rap, and race / Amy Coddington.
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Musique Et Race Illinois Chicago Histoire 20e Siecle : Absher, Amy.
Black Musician and the White City : Race and Music in Chicago, 1900-1967.
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Musique Et Race Irlande Histoire : Davis, Leith,
Music, postcolonialism, and gender : the construction of Irish national identity, 1724-1874 / Leith D
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Musique Et Technologie
Sound souvenirs : audio technologies, memory and cultural practices / edited by Karin Bijsterveld & J
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Musique Et Technologie Histoire : Patteson, Thomas,
Instruments for new music : sound, technology, and modernism / Thomas Patteson.
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Musique Et Transnationalisme
Borrowed forms : the music and ethics of transnational fiction / Kathryn Lachman.
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Music practices across borders : (e)valuating space, diversity and exchange / Glaucia Peres da Silva,
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Music practices across borders : (e)valuating space, diversity and exchange / Claudia Peres da Silva,
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Musique Etats Unis 19e Siecle : Swan, Timothy,
Psalmody and secular songs / Timothy Swan ; edited by Nym Cooke.
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Musique Etats Unis 21e Siecle Histoire Et Critique
Sounding together : collaborative perspectives on U.S. music in the 21st century / Charles Hiroshi Ga
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Musique Etats Unis Influence Europeenne Histoire 20e Siecle : Murchison, Gayle Minetta.
The American Stravinsky : the style and aesthetics of Copland's new American music, the early works,
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Musique Etude Et Enseignement : Heble, Ajay,
Jamming the classroom : musical improvisation and pedagogical practice / Ajay Heble and Jesse Stewart
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Musique Etude Et Enseignement Etats Unis Histoire : Smith, Jewel A.,
Transforming women's education : liberal arts and music in female seminaries / Jewel A. Smith.
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Musique Etude Et Enseignement Etats Unis Histoire 21e Siecle
Sounding together : collaborative perspectives on U.S. music in the 21st century / Charles Hiroshi Ga
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Musique Europe 17e Siecle Histoire Et Critique : Nieden, Gesa zur.
Musicians' Mobilities and Music Migrations in Early Modern Europe.
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Musique Europe 18e Siecle Histoire Et Critique : Nieden, Gesa zur.
Musicians' Mobilities and Music Migrations in Early Modern Europe.
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Musique Execution
Logic of experimentation : reshaping music performance in and through artistic research / Paulo de As
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A musicology of performance : theory and method based on Bach's solos for violin / Dorottya Fabian.
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Performing by the Book? : Musical Negotiations between Text and Act.
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Powers of divergence : an experimental approach to music performance / Lucia D'Errico.
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Das Werk im Werk: Konzepte des Poly-Werks. / Karin Wetzel
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Musique Execution Aspect Psychologique : Baym, Nancy K.,
Playing to the crowd : musicians, audiences, and the intimate work of connection / Nancy K. Baym.
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Musique Execution Philosophie Et Esthetique
A musicology of performance : theory and method based on Bach's solos for violin / Dorottya Fabian.
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The power of practice [electronic resource] : how music and yoga transformed the life and work of Yeh
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Musique Foi Peuple De Papouasie Nouvelle Guinee : Weiner, James F.,
Songs of the empty place : the memorial poetry of the Foi of the Southern Highlands Province of Papua
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Musique Folklorique Appalaches : Sawin, Patricia.
Listening for a life : a dialogic ethnography of Bessie Eldreth through her songs and stories / Patri
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Musique Folklorique Etats Unis Histoire Et Critique : Stone, Jonathan W.,
Listening to the Lomax Archive : the sonic rhetorics of African American folksong in the 1930s / Jona
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Musique France 16e Siecle
Canzoni francese libro primo : Ottaviano Scotto's 1535 collection of twenty-three chansons for four v
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Musique France Paris 16e Siecle Partitions
Thirty chansons for three and four voices from Attaingnant's collections / edited by Albert Seay.
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Musique Funebre Angleterre 18e Siecle Partitions : Boyce, William,
Two anthems for the Georgian court. Part I, The souls of the righteous / William Boyce ; edited by Jo
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Musique Funebre Belgique 16e Siecle Partitions : Lasso, Orlando di,
Two motet cycles for Matins for the dead : Sacrae lectiones ex Propheta Iob (ca. 1560) and Lectiones
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Musique Ghana Histoire Et Critique : Aduonum, Ama Oforiwaa,
Walking with the Asafo of Ghana : an ethnographic account of Kormantse Bentsir warrior music / Ama Of
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Musique Hassidim : Lockwood, Jeremiah,
Golden ages : Hasidic singers and cantorial revival in the digital era / Jeremiah Lockwood.
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Musique Histoire : Baldassarre, Antonio.
Belonging, detachment and the representation of musical identities in visual culture / Antonio Baldas
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Musique Histoire Et Critique
Experimental affinities in music / edited by Paulo de Assis.
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Musikalische Praxis als Lebensform : Sinnfindung und Wirklichkeitserfahrung beim Musizieren / Eva-Mar
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Musique Imprimee : Senfl, Ludwig,
Ludwig Senfl: Motets For Four Voices (A-I). New Senfl Edition 1 / Ludwig Senfl, Edited by Scott Lee E
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Musique Imprimee Etats Unis Histoire 19e Siecle
Emily's songbook : Music in 1850s Albany / Edited by Mark Slobin, James Kimball, Katherine K. Preston
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Musique Indien Region De Locean Histoire Et Critique
Sounding the Indian Ocean : musical circulations in the Afro-Asiatic seascape / edited by Jim Sykes a
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Musique Indonesie Bali Ile
Gender wayang music of Bapak I Wayan Loceng from Sukawati, Bali : a musical biography, musical ethnog
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Musique Indonesie Java Histoire Et Critique : Becker, Judith O.
Traditional music in modern Java : gamelan in a changing society / Judith Becker ; published with the
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Musique Indonesie Jogjakarta Histoire Et Critique : Richter, Max M.,
Musical worlds in Yogyakarta / Max M. Richter.
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Musique Indonesiens Suriname Histoire Et Critique
Recollecting resonances : Indonesian-Dutch musical encounters / edited by Bart Barendregt and Els Bog
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Musique Industrie Floride Miami : Cepeda, Maria Elena.
Musical ImagiNation : U.S-Colombian Identity and the Latin Music Boom.
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Musique Industrie Grande Bretagne Aspect Psychologique : Gross, Sally-Anne,
Can music make you sick? : measuring the price of musical ambition / Sally Anne Gross and George Musg
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Musique Industrie Illinois Chicago Histoire 20e Siecle : Absher, Amy.
Black Musician and the White City : Race and Music in Chicago, 1900-1967.
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Musique Influence Chinoise
China and the West : music, representation, and reception / edited by Hon-Lun Yang and Michael Saffle
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Musique Instrumentale
A Neapolitan festa a ballo = Delizie di Posilipo boscarecce, e maritime, and, Selected instrumental e
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Secular pieces / Johannes Martini ; edited by Edward G. Evans.
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Musique Instrumentale Italie Naples 16e Siecle
Neapolitan lute music / Fabrizio Dentice, Giulio Severino, Giovanni Antonio Severino, Francesco Cardo
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Musique Instrumentale Partitions Et Parties : Gillier, Pierre,
Livre d'airs et de simphonies mélez de quelques fragmens d'opéra (1697) / Pierre Gillier, edited by K
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Musique Instrumentale Populaire Etats Unis
Descriptive piano fantasias / edited by Halina Goldberg and Jonathan D. Bellman.
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Musique Instrumentale Populaire Europe
Descriptive piano fantasias / edited by Halina Goldberg and Jonathan D. Bellman.
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