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Newspaper Abstract
Author Hosman, Wilma

Title Funeral by streetcar


Location Call No. OPAC Message Status
 Axe Local Newspaper Abstracts  May 06, 1986 column 1-2 page 11    ---  Lib Use Only
Summary In June 1920, when Mary Mildred Kennedy Pugh died in Dunkirk (17 Central Mining Camp) her husband, William Pugh, decided to use Mt. Olive Cemetery in Pittsburg for her final resting place. He had a good friend named Pogson, who had come from Osage City, Kansas, Mr. Pugh's hometown, and Mr. Pogson took care of the preparation of the body for burial.
Subject Pugh, Mary Mildred Kennedy
In: Autumn Lifestyles May 06, 1986 column 1-2 page 11
Standard No. 3725

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