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Title Her war story : twentieth-century women write about war / edited by Sayre P. Sheldon.

Imprint Carbondale, [Ill.] : Southern Illinois University Press, c1999.


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 Axe 2nd Floor Stacks  808.80358 H412 1999    ---  Available
Description xii, 370 p. ; 24 cm.
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references (p. 345-351) and index.
Contents Sing a song of war-time / Nina Macdonald -- Cordite makers / Rebecca West -- from Chronicle of youth : the war diary, 1913-1917 / Vera Brittain -- from Fighting France : from Dunkerque to Belport / Edith Wharton -- Conspiracy / Mary Borden -- Women and wives / Ellen La Motte -- Verdun, December-January, 1915 / Colette -- from Not so quiet ... : stepdaughters of war / Helen Zenna Smith -- Honeymoon ... vive l'Amerique / Dorothy Canfield Fisher -- In the stadium / Amy Lowell -- from One of ours / Willa Cather -- from It's a great war! / Mary Lee -- from Shadow-shapes : the journal of a wounded woman / Elizabeth Shepley Sergeant -- from Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas / Gertrude Stein -- from Diary and letters of Kaethe Kollwitz / Kathe Kollwitz -- Cenotaph / Charlotte Mew -- Fly / Katherine Mansfield -- To my brother killed : Haumont Wood, October, 1918 / Louise Bogan -- 1919 / Toni Morrison -- from Peace and bread in time of war / Jane Addams -- from My part in a changing world / Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence -- Apostrophe to man / Edna St. Vincent Millay -- High explosives for everyone / Martha Gellhorn -- from My shadow in the sun / Frances Davis -- Soldiers of the republic / Dorothy Parker -- Say that we saw Spain die / Edna St. Vincent Millay -- We Jews / Gertrud Kolmar -- from Three guineas / Virginia Woolf -- from Let the record speak / Dorothy Thompson -- from New faith / Ding Ling.
First long range artillery fire on Leningrad / Anna Akhmatova -- from Danger tree / Olivia Manning -- Oh, madam / Elizabeth Bowen -- from Days of Mars : a memoir, 1940-1946 / Bryher -- Ancient wisdom speaks / H. D. -- from All the brave promises / Mary Lee Settle -- from Ordeal of Elizabeth Vaughan : a wartime diary of the Philippines / Elizabeth Vaughan -- from War in Val d'Orcia / Iris Origo -- from Past is myself / Christabel Bielenberg -- from Letters from Westerbork / Etty Hillesum -- Friendly meetings from Auschwitz : true tales from a grotesque land / Sara Nomberg-Przytyk -- Weiter / Charlotte Delbo -- from History : a novel / Elsa Morante -- Evacuation ; On the bus ; Harmony at the fair grounds ; Curfew ; In the outhouse ; Inside news / Mitsuye Yamada -- Blind Chinese soldiers / Hirabayashi Taiko -- Scars remain / Kikue Tada -- from Landlocked / Doris Lessing -- from Wild place / Kathryn Hulme -- Fife's house / Kay Boyle -- Gay chaps at the bar / Gwendolyn Brooks -- from War in Korea / Marguerite Higgins -- New kind of war / Martha Gelhorn -- from Hanoi / Mary McCarthy -- That country / Grace Paley -- Vietnamese mother / Huong Tram -- from Sensing the enemy / Lady Borton -- At first I was given centuries / Margaret Atwood -- Kathe Kolwitz / Muriel Rukeyser -- Prayer for continuation / Susan Griffin -- El Salvador / Karla Ramirez -- from Downing Street years / Margaret Thatcher -- from Woman at war : storming Kuwait with the U.S. Marines / Molly Moore -- Song of becoming / Fadwa Tuqan -- One cannot kill a baby twice / Dahlia Ravikovitch -- No man's land / Meena Alexander -- from Mothers and shadows / Marta Traba -- Madalena returned from captivity / Lina Magaia -- from Gates of ivory / Margaret Drabble.
Subject War -- Literary collections.
Women and war -- Literary collections.
Literature, Modern -- 20th century.
Literature -- Women authors.
Added Author Sheldon, Sayre P., 1926-2016.
ISBN 0809322463 (pbk.)

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