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Electronic Score

Title Victorian music for the English concertina / Edited by Allan W. Atlas.

Publication Info. Middleton, Wisconsin : A-R Editions, Inc., 2019.


Location Call No. OPAC Message Status
 AR Researches in Music Score  Electronic Score    ---  Available
Description 1 online resource (1 score (xxii, 179 pages, 3 pages of plates)) : illustration, facsimiles.
notated music ntm rdacontent
computer c rdamedia
online resource cr rdacarrier
concertina 1 piano 1 2 lcmpt
soprano voice 1 tenor voice 1 concertina 1 piano 1 3 lcmpt
concertina 1 pedal harp 1 piano 1 3 lcmpt
violin 1 piano 1 2 lcmpt
concertina 1 1 lcmpt
mixed chorus 1 SSTB concertina 1 lcmpt
concertina 2 2 lcmpt
concertina 4 4 lcmpt
Series Recent researches in the music of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries ; 52
Recent researches in Music Online, 2577-4573
Recent researches in the music of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries ; 52.
Recent researches in music online. 2577-4573
Note For concertina and piano (1st-5th and 7th works); soprano or tenor, concertina, and piano (6th work); concertina, harp, and piano (8th work); concertina or violin and piano (9th work); solo concertina (10th-12th works); chorus (SSTB) and concertina (13th work); 2 concertinas (14th work); and 4 concertinas (15th work).
Language Words in German and English (6th work, also printed as text on p.xiii), and English (13th work).
Note Score and performance parts are available separately from the publisher.
Includes introduction and critical report.
Summary "Developed by the physicist Charles Wheatstone around 1830, the English concertina was extremely popular in art-music circles of Victorian England until late in the nineteenth century. This edition includes fifteen works that present a cross section of the instrument's concert and salon repertories, and includes music by the "mainstream" composers George Alexander Macfarren, Julius Benedict, and Bernhard Molique, as well as original compositions by such concertina virtuosos as Giulio Regondi and Richard Blagrove. There are also pieces by two little-known women composers/arrangers, Hannah Rampton Binfield and Rosina King (the instrument was particularly popular with women), and an arrangement by George Case of a well-known hymn tune, which shows how the baritone concertina was used in small parish churches. Finally, there are two works for concertina ensembles, a duo for treble and baritone concertina by Blagrove and a transcription by Regondi for concertina quartet of the final movement of Mozart's Prague symphony." -- Provided by publisher.
Note Online resource (A-R Editions, viewed April 22, 2019).
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references.
Contents Violetta : a romance / George Alexander Macfarren -- Andantino / Julius Benedict -- Sonata, op. 57 / Bernhard Molique -- Introduction with variations and coda on "The last rose of summer" / Joseph Warren -- Les oiseaux : morceau de concert : op. 12 / Giulio Regondi -- When in the dark midnight = Überall du : op. 17 / Ignaz Lachner ; arr. Giulio Regondi -- Souvenirs de Donizetti / Richard Blagrove -- The marvellous work : from The Creation of Haydn / arr. Hannah Rampton Binfield -- Nocturne / John C. Ward -- Thou art gone from my gaze ; Exercise no. 6 for the management of the bellows / Giulio Regondi -- Original melody : no. 1 / Rosina King -- Devizes / Isaac Tucker ; arr. George Case -- Duo concertante, from Les Huguenots of Meyerbeer / Richard Blagrove -- Finale from Symphony no. 38 in D major, K. 504, Prague of Mozart / arr. Giulio Regondi -- Appendix: original cello part of When in the dark midnight (Überall du).
Subject Concertina music -- 19th century -- Scores and parts.
Songs (High voice) with instrumental ensemble -- Scores and parts.
Violin and piano music -- Scores and parts.
Concertina music and piano music -- Scores and parts.
Concertina music (Concertinas (2)) -- Scores.
Popular music -- England -- 19th century.
Concertina, Musique de -- 19e siècle -- Partitions et parties.
Chansons (Voix aiguë) acc. d'ensemble instrumental -- Partitions et parties.
Violon et piano, Musique de -- Partitions et parties.
Concertina, Musique de (Concertinas (2)) -- Partitions.
Musique populaire -- Angleterre -- 19e siècle.
Popular music
Violin and piano music -- Scores and parts
Chronological Term 1800-1899
Genre/Form excerpts.
Arrangements (Music)
Parts (Music)
Arrangements (Music)
Parts (Music)
Arrangements (Musique)
Partitions (Musique)
Parties (Musique)
Added Author Atlas, Allan W., editor.
Regondi, Giulio, 1822-1872, arranger of music.
Binfield, Hannah Rampton, 1810-1887, arranger of music.
Case, George, 1823-1892, arranger of music.
Container of (work): Macfarren, G. A. (George Alexander), 1813-1887. Violetta.
Container of (work): Benedict, Julius, 1804-1885. Andantino, concertina, piano.
Container of (work): Molique, Bernhard, 1802-1869. Sonata, concertina, piano, op. 57, Bb major.
Container of (work): Warren, Joseph, 1804-1881. Introduction with variations and coda on The last rose of summer.
Container of (work): Regondi, Giulio, 1822-1872. Works. Selections.
Container of (work): Lachner, Ignaz, 1807-1895. Überall du; arranged.
Container of (work): Blagrove, Richard Manning, -1895. Souvenirs de Donizetti.
Container of (work): Haydn, Joseph, 1732-1809. Schöpfung. Mit Staunen sieht das Wunderwerk; arranged.
Container of (work): Ward, John C. (John Charles), 1835-1919. Nocturne, concertina, piano.
Container of (work): King, Rosina. Original melody, no. 1.
Container of (work): Tucker (Isaac). Devizes; arranged.
Container of (work): Blagrove, Richard Manning, -1895. Duo concertante from Les Huguenots of Meyerbeer.
Container of (work): Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791. Symphonies, K. 504, D major. Finale; arranged.
Other Form: Print version: Victorian music for the English concertina. Middleton, Wisconsin : A-R Editions, Inc., 2009. (OCoLC)428734410 9780895796523
ISBN 9781987201789 (online)
9780895796523 (print)
Standard No. 10.31022/N052 doi
Music No. N052 A-R Editions, Inc. (score)
N052P1 A-R Editions, Inc. (parts)
N052P2 A-R Editions, Inc. (parts)
N052P3 A-R Editions, Inc. (parts)
N052P4 A-R Editions, Inc. (parts)

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